

Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 01-03-2023 | 9789464560565

The Van Speijk class frigates were equipped with Dutch electronics/sensors. The British Leander design was chosen to enable r...


Roetering, Bob | Paperback / softback | 15-08-2022 | 9789086164035

In the eighties, the Royal Netherlands Navy acquired 15 minehunters of the Alkmaar-class. They were deployed worldwide in con...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 20-06-2022 | 9789086161928

HMS Leander was completed in 1963 as the first and name ship of the Leander Class Improved Type 12 General Purpose Frigates. ...


Zinderen Bakker, Rindert | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2022 | 9789086161966

HMCS Haida was a destroyer of the Tribal-class serving in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) from 1943-1963. During World War II,...


Zinderen Bakker, Rindert van | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2022 | 9789086161942

USS Clark (FFG-11) was the fifth ship of the Oliver Hazard Perry class of guided-missile frigates.The ships were designed in ...


Zinderen Bakker, Rindert van | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2022 | 9789086161935

The ships of the Jacob van Heemskerck class of the Royal Netherlands Navy were constructed as specialised air defence frigate...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 25-10-2021 | 9789086164028

Both Tromp-class frigates entered service in 1975/76. Their primary task was area air defence. They acted as flagships for th...


Warship 11

Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 28-12-2020 | 9789086164011

The six ‘Roofdier' class ‘frigates' were all built in the USA with MDAP funds. They were designed to escort slow ...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 11-06-2020 | 9789086162000

To counter a growing threat of Soviet submarines and aircraft shortly after WWII, the Royal Netherlands Navy ordered new ship...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 30-03-2020 | 9789086161997

The primary role of the Type 42 destroyers was providing air defense for the fleet. With their long-range sensors, the ships ...


Zinderen Bakker, Rinder van | Paperback / softback | 30-07-2019 | 9789086161980

HNLMS Kortenaer was in action in the Battle of the Java Sea on 27 February 1942, where she was torpedoed by the Japanese crui...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 24-08-2017 | 9789086161973

HNLMS Zuiderkruis (1975-2012) was the second Fast Combat Support Ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy. Primarily intended for R...


Mulder, Jantinus | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2012 | 9789086161911

Trapped in the far east by the over-run of the Netherlands and by the occupancy of the Netherlands East Indies, Tromp`s desti...