Making Public


Reclaiming the Internet

Lovink, Geert | Paperback / softback | 28-04-2022 | 9789493246089

Geert Lovink is een Nederlandse mediatheoreticus, internetcriticus en auteur van Uncanny Networks (2002), Dark Fiber (2002), ...


From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-Curation

Dekker, Annet | Paperback / softback | 13-09-2021 | 9789493246010

What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? Analyzing the influence...


collectively shaping new memories

Dekker, Annet | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2017 | 9789492095268

Archieven zijn collecties documenten die voor historische en culturele doeleinden, en vanwege hun bewijskracht, bewaard worde...