Footprint Journal



Paperback / softback | | 9789493329287



Open Architecture. Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings

Hernández, Jorge Meija | Paperback / softback | 17-10-2023 | 9789492852830



In (Tertiary) Memory of Stiegler

Gorny, Robert A. | Paperback / softback | 19-12-2022 | 9789492852403



Media, Politics, and Aesthetics

Szacka, Léa-Catherine | Paperback / softback | 18-11-2022 | 9789492852397

Footprint #29 aims at exploring the architectural relations to populism intended as the political approach that strives to ap...


All is information. Architecture, Cybernetics, Ecology

Kousoulas, Stavros | Paperback / softback | 30-08-2021 | 9789492852380

Footprint #28 examines the relation between cybernetics and architecture by focusing on a problem they both share: the produc...


Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges

Nuijsink, Cathelijne | Paperback / softback | 15-09-2020 | 9789492852199



Healy, Patrick | Paperback / softback | 14-05-2016 | 9789490322649

In Das Passagen-Werk Benjamin cites a letter from Marx to Ruge, 'the reform of consciousness consists solely in [...] the awa...