a design project of the Department for Heritage and Architecture, TU Delft MSc1 AR1AH010 Fall 2020/21
Asselt, Noah van | Paperback / softback | 07-09-2021 | 9789463664554 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
This booklet presents the work of fourth-year students from Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the B...
Experimenteel geworteld in het alledaagse | Experimentally rooted in the everyday
Bakker, Martine | Paperback / softback | 06-09-2021 | 9789492852434
Al meer dan vijftig jaar is het Sjanghaipark een groene vrijplaats tussen de moderne stempels van Utrecht-Overvecht. Buurtbew...
Salingaros, Nikos A. | Paperback / softback | 31-08-2021 | 9789403636320
Más allá de una crítica específica al deconstructivismo, este libro recoge una compilación...
All is information. Architecture, Cybernetics, Ecology
Serie: Footprint Journal
Kousoulas, Stavros | Paperback / softback | 30-08-2021 | 9789492852380
Footprint #28 examines the relation between cybernetics and architecture by focusing on a problem they both share: the produc...
Serge Schoemaker Architects
Hannema, Kirsten | Paperback / softback | 30-08-2021 | 9789492058126
An evocative photo book with three essays documenting the careful transformation of the nineteenth-century Fort Hoofddorp, pa...
Serge Schoemaker Architects
Hannema, Kirsten | Paperback / softback | 30-08-2021 | 9789492058119
Een evocatief fotoboek met drie essays over de transformatie van het negentiende-eeuwse Fort Hoofddorp, onderdeel van de Stel...
Two Decades of Urban/City Research at the Ax:son Johnson Foundation
Mehaffy, Michael W. | Hardback | 26-08-2021 | 9789403620336 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Cities around the world are working to build more livable environments, better-quality public spaces, more resilient and sust...
Two Decades of Urban/City Research at the Ax:son Johnson Foundation
Mehaffy, Michael W. | Paperback / softback | 26-08-2021 | 9789403608822
Cities around the world are working to build more livable environments, better-quality public spaces, more resilient and sust...
Gebundelde columns over leven en bewegen in de stad
Serie: Zuidzee
Van Acker, Maarten | Paperback / softback | 20-08-2021 | 9789491789274
Dit boekje verzamelt de columns die stedenbouwkundige Maarten Van Acker (UAntwerpen) in de loop van 2019 en 2020 schreef voor...
experiments from self-builders in rural China
Paperback / softback | 26-12-2024 | 9781943532797
As Found Houses is a guide to the surprising design decisions found in the domestic architecture of rural China and a resourc...
een portret
Brinkgreve, Christien | Paperback / softback | 17-08-2021 | 9789045039695
Van Christien Brinkgreve verschijnt ‘De ruimte van Herman Hertzberger', over een van de belangrijkste Nederlandse archi...
Waterbeheer en cultureel erfgoed
Serie: OverHolland
Engel, Henk | Paperback / softback | 26-12-2024 | 9789463663991
Water management and cultural heritage in the Netherlands are inextricably linked. This edition of ‘OverHolland' looks ...
A new habitat for living in Brussels
Serie: Stadsschriften
Sansen, Joren | Paperback / softback | 09-08-2021 | 9789461170972
Urban notebooks / Stadsschriften / Cahiers Urbains In Brussels, the need for affordable and middleincome housing is entangle...
collaboratie en berechting van Nederlandse architecten 1940-1950
Keuning, David | Hardback | 28-07-2021 | 9789460043246
an Endless View
Hardback | 08-1-2025 | 9781864708622
Infinity House comprises a compelling list of beautiful contemporary houses purposefully designed to capture unparalleled vie...
An Exploration of the Complete Built Work
Serie: ArtEZ Academia
Kikkert, Jan-Richard | Paperback / softback | 14-07-2021 | 9789491444418
Kunstroute langs de Amsterdamse School
Paperback / softback | 14-07-2021 | 9789082921137
Plan Zuid van architect Berlage is beroemd door zijn stedenbouwkundige opzet met gebouwen in de stijl van de Amsterdamse Scho...
Sarkis, Hashim | Paperback / softback | 08-1-2025 | 9788836648610
For the Biennale Architettura 2021, in addition to the Exhibition Catalogue and the Short Guide, the curatorial team has put ...
Sarkis, Hashim | Hardback | 08-1-2025 | 9788836648597
The 17th International Architecture Exhibition, in Venice from 22 May to 21 November 2021, is titled How will we live togethe...