Mezas, Cindy


Become a spiritual bodybuilder

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 28-08-2021 | 9789403620060

This little but very profound “Read and Do” book is full of great and precious promises from the Word of God. So ...


Journal your month with the Bible

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-08-2021 | 9789403634180

This 31-days Devotional Journal book will help you in your devotion time with God and propel you forward in having more under...


Journal your month with the Bible

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-08-2021 | 9789403633619

There are times that men and women need a journal. This is that time. This 31-Days Men's Devotional Journal with biblical top...


Receive what is yours

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-08-2021 | 9789403620084

Get pregnant with the Word of God might look like a strange title, but it is not. This book will take you by the hand and sho...


21-days daily devotional

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-07-2021 | 9789403625782

This book titled ‘Be encouraged' is one to read in 21- days. For there are 21 encouragement chapters. According to what...



Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-07-2021 | 9789403620091

Does God has the flu? Such a strange title, but this book is indeed all about health and healing. So many people who are sick...


Your words are the direction your life is going

Mezas, Cindy | Paperback / softback | 27-07-2021 | 9789403612546

YOUR WORDS ARE THE DIRECTION YOUR LIFE IS GOING Most people are seeking ways to change their lives completely, and this book...