Hintzbergen, Jule


Hintzbergen, Jule | Paperback / softback | 16-05-2023 | 9789401809917

Dit boek is in eerste instantie ontwikkeld als studieboek voor het examen Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27...


based on ISO 27001 and ISO 27002

Hintzbergen, Jule | Paperback / softback | 16-03-2023 | 9789401809580

This book is intended for anyone who wants to prepare for the Information Security Foundation based on ISO / IEC 27001 exam o...


based on ISO 27001 and ISO 27002

Hintzbergen, Jule | Paperback / softback | 22-04-2015 | 9789401800129

This book is intended for everyone in an organization who wishes to have a basic understanding of information security. Knowl...