Born, Joop
Revision, refinement, reference for intermediate and advanced learners
Serie: English in Progress
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 14-12-2023 | 9789059973947
Dit boek is bedoeld voor Nederlandstalige leerlingen van de bovenbouw havo en vwo, eerstejaars studenten hbo en wo, en verder...
English vocabulary in context for VWO students, both regular and CLIL
Serie: English in Progress
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 14-12-2023 | 9789059973596
Invuloefeningen voor leerlingen in de bovenbouw van het vwo, om zich voor te bereiden op het Centraal Schriftelijk Eindexamen...
Words and phrases for coherence in reading comprehension
Serie: English in Progress
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2023 | 9789059974036
Conversely, because, for example, however, thus, therefore, above all, on the other hand, alternatively: these are words that...
English vocabulary in context for VWO students, both regular and CLIL
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 12-08-2022 | 9789059973473
English Vocabulary in context for Havo students
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 12-08-2022 | 9789059972674
English vocabulary in context for CLIL and IB students
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 12-11-2016 | 9789059972322
English vocabulary in context for VWO students
Born, Joop | Paperback / softback | 12-11-2016 | 9789059972315