Alphen, Ernst van


Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities

Alphen, Ernst van | Paperback / softback | 17-03-2023 | 9789493246164

Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues ...



Encountering Objects Through the Senses

Alphen, Ernst van | Paperback / softback | binnenkort weer leverbaar | 9789493246157

Sculpture as a specific medium is rarely investigated within a deeply cultural, philosophical context, nor within visual art ...


Alphen, Ernst van | Paperback / softback | 23-10-2020 | 9789492095923

Sinds de #metoo-beweging zijn vormen van mannelijk seksueel geweld en machtsmisbruik op grote schaal onder de loep genomen. D...


Photography and its Counter-Practices

Alphen, Ernst van | Paperback / softback | 22-05-2018 | 9789492095459

Failed Images tries to understand photography in its difference from the reality it shows. It sets as a task to analyse the d...


Alphen, Ernst van | Paperback / softback | 08-09-2017 | 9789492095374

Marjan Teeuwen (*1953, NL) creëert grootschalige architectonische installaties in gebouwen die na haar interventie worde...