
5 sleutels om zelf toe te passen

Schulkes, Doret | Hardback | 18-12-2023 | 9789090379067

Dit boek zal de manier waarop je naar je interieur kijkt voor altijd veranderen! De schrijfster is interieurarchitect met ee...


Creating characters through coupe

Snik, Chris | Paperback / softback | 13-12-2023 | 9789464778939

Slow Costuming delves into a comprehensive approach to costume design, emphasizing on the synergy between all elements involv...


25 years in design

Holten, René | Hardback | 07-12-2023 | 9789083356907




Groot, Marjan | Hardback | 06-12-2023 | 9789462087811

De bijdrage van vrouwen aan de toegepaste kunst en industriële vormgeving in Nederland tussen 1880 en 1940 is sterk onde...


Essays on Design and Disillusion

Lorusso, Silvio | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789083350134

Design is broken. Young and not-so-young designers are becoming increasingly aware of this. Many feel impotent: they were tol...


Blad voor bijzondere collecties. 39-3, 2023

Paperback / softback | 04-12-2023 | 9789463728591



Influence - Management - Capital

Bûhring, Jörn | Paperback / softback | 20-11-2023 | 9789492852816



Schoten, Kees van | Paperback / softback | 16-11-2023 | 9789085485025

Dit boek laat stap voor stap de grondbeginselen van het perspectieftekenen zien in begrijpelijke tekst en handgetekende illus...


A future perspective on play in society

Schouten, Ben | Paperback / softback | 27-10-2023 | 9789492852977



van grond tot garderobe

Jaspers, Stijntje | Paperback / softback | 26-10-2023 | 9789090373461

Generaties lang liepen we rond in kleding die vaak heel dichtbij werd gemaakt. De stoffen werden handgewoven met garen van na...


Let's Dance

Toet, André | Paperback / softback | 26-10-2023 | 9789083301976

Als er iets is wat Marianne absoluut niet wilde dan is het een boek over haar en mijn werk. Aangezien ik wat anders over dit ...


Using Prepositions to Shape Design

Crooks, Ryan | Paperback / softback | 17-10-2023 | 9789063696863

“Relation of Elements” explores the role of prepositions in architecture and design, a part of speech often overl...


Bootlegging as a Creative Practice

Schwartz, Ben | Paperback / softback | 09-10-2023 | 9789493246294

Over the last few decades the term ‘bootlegging'?a practice once relegated to smugglers and copyright infringers?has be...


8 chairs from 8 countries: diversifying modern seating

Guarnaccia, Matteo | Paperback / softback | 03-10-2023 | 9789083350103

The anatomy of our bodies requires sitting; but do we design seats in the same way? Has our meaning of sitting been colonised...


An inquiry into what we can't do alone, as designers, and into what we might be able to do together, as people.

Matos, Afonso | Paperback / softback | 03-10-2023 | 9789083270630

Afonso Matos is a Portuguese designer and researcher who is based in The Netherlands. This book is a collection of fanzines i...


De Filosofische, Psychologische, Sociologische en Economische Dimensies van Mode

Bloemen, Mark | Paperback / softback | 26-09-2023 | 9789464922738

Stap binnen in de fascinerende wereld van mode en ontdek hoe het onze levens doordringt vanuit filosofische, sociologische, p...


225 jaar lezen in de KB

Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789048558605



Sagmeister, Stefan | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9781838666965

Stefan Sagmeister's newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving...


Schranz, Christine | Paperback / softback | 13-09-2023 | 9789493246300

The scarcity of resources, climate change, and the digitalization of everyday life are fuelling the economy of swapping, shar...