Hirsh | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9781452290423 |
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A guide designed to deepen school board members' understanding of high quality professional learning, its impact on student a...
Strengthening Instructional Leadership Teams
DeWitt, Peter M. | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9781071813720 |
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This research-based, hands-on guidebook introduces eight key drivers to integrating teacher and leader efficacy, along with a...
Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857257338 |
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An accessible text exploring the wider principles around ethics and values in education and supporting students in establishi...
Richard English | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857257253 |
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A practical text for trainee primary teachers on teaching arithmetic in the primary school...
Joanne Larson | Hardback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857029249 |
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The new edition of this much-loved handbook has been revised and updated to retain its cutting-edge focus on emergent and imp...
Megan Crawford | Hardback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857029225 |
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Focusing on organisation improvement and strategical leadership, this book offers a bank of creative ideas and guidance for t...
Methods and Approaches
Brundrett, Mark | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857028310 |
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Carrying out leadership research in educational establishments can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. This accessible ...
Sarah Judith Fletcher | Hardback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857027535 |
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Comprehensive coverage of coaching and mentoring in educational settings from a range of international contributors....
Hiroko Fumoto | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857027320 |
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In this book the authors push forward our understanding of what young children's creative thinking is, and how it promotes yo...
Early Years and Primary School-based Training
Jonathan Glazzard | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857025272 |
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With a focus on practical strategies and closely referenced to OfSTED, this book provides essential guidance on how to transl...
Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857021755 |
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This book provides practitioners and undergraduates with a greater understanding of the position of the researcher, how to fa...
Jackie Brien | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857021571 |
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A new mainstream textbook on primary English for those training to teach in primary education, carefully written to be releva...
Samen op weg naar een bloeiende gemeente
Evers, Rianca | Paperback / softback | 27-10-2021 | 9789043535182
In Samensturing in de kerk werken Rianca Evers en Wilbert de Goei een werkbaar en haalbaar model uit voor nieuwe kerkstructur...
Idealen en de politieke praktijk
Bussemaker, Jet | Paperback / softback | 08-02-2021 | 9789463821445
Politiek begint met idealen. Maar al te vaak eindigt ze met onbevredigende compromissen, gesloten onder druk van partijbelang...
Kansrijker veranderen in de kerk
Bakker, Bert | Paperback / softback | 28-01-2021 | 9789075569889
openbare geestelijke gezondheidszorg vanuit de GGD Amsterdam in de twintigste eeuw
Blok, Gemma | Paperback / softback | 18-12-2014 | 9789085550969 |
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In 1916 ging de GG & GD Amsterdam zich richten op de stedelijke zorg voor 'krankzinnigen en maatschappelijk ongeschikten'. Te...