Kent | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446273418 |
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In covering both traditional and newer approaches, and presenting them alongside each other, and by consistently referring to...
Cameron | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446267233 |
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Addressing the practicalities of research, and embracing the complexity and variety of written forms of language, this book h...
Denicolo | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446267059 |
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This exciting new text helps researchers to successfully understand and achieve impact in their research, and to demonstrate ...
Blackman | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446266854 |
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A timely and multidisciplinary addition to the Theory, Culture & Society book series (given the recent turn to affect in the ...
Woodman | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446259054 |
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A thought provoking and engaging exploration of contemporary youth studuies, with a focus on change and inequality in young l...
Sidani | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446256176 |
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Designed to equip those doing research with the knowledge and tools they need to inform their methodological decisions when p...
Ritchie | Hardback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446209110 |
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A qualitative research book for the 'doers', this text provides really practical coverage for those that are undertaking rese...
Ornstein | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446209097 |
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This go-to guide covers both the historical background to the emergence of survey research and the practical tools necessary ...
Law | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446209028 |
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An intelligent and engaging exploration of the continuing relevance of both classical and contemporary social theory in today...
Flick | Hardback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446208984 |
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The first handbook to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the whole field of QDA, and a must-have for all qualitative rese...
Lupton | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446208953 |
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The Third Edition of a seminal text which is widely recommended to upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of hea...
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Updated to reflect current developments and trends in internet research, this book presents a state-of-the-art review of the ...
Emmison | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446207888 |
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A fully revised, up-to-date overview of a great range of visual methods data sources, including 2D, 3D, lived, living and vir...
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The SAGE Handbook of Aging, Work and Society offers a critical overview of the most significant themes and topics, with discu...
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One of the leading figures in men's studies and the study of masculinity, Jeff Hearn here explores the implications of debate...
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Created by the combined experience of a leading social scientist and the chief executive of a major international research de...
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An exciting new introduction to digital social research tools and methods, this book helps readers to manage the huge amounts...
Halfpenny | Hardback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446203088 |
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An exciting new introduction to digital social research tools and methods, this book helps readers to manage the huge amounts...
DeNora | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446202005 |
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An accomplished and thought provoking study of everyday 'reality' and how we represent, perceive and experience it. With exam...