
Institutional Actions, Opportunities and Challenges

Meng, Meng | Paperback / softback | 12-02-2021 | 9789463663861 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The research was inspired by the increasing impact of extreme weather events and changing climate patterns on flood-prone reg...


Understanding, interpretation, and the use of spatial-visual landscape characteristics in landscape design

Liu, Mei | Paperback / softback | 02-11-2020 | 9789463663359 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Landscape design focuses on the construction and articulation of outdoor space and results in landscape architectonic composi...


Developing and Testing a Support Tool for Inhabitants and Practitioners in Mt-Elgon, Kenya

Smits, Michiel | Paperback / softback | 23-10-2020 | 9789463663342 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This research project focuses on how decisions made by practitioners, articulating rural housing in Sub-Sahara Africa, contri...


An adaptive, principle-based planning approach

Keeton, Rachel | Paperback / softback | 01-09-2020 | 9789463663137 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Since the economic shifts of the 1990s, New Towns have become an increasingly popular approach to urban development across th...


Chapters from the history of an architectural magazine

Panigyrakis, Phoebus Ilias | Paperback / softback | 11-08-2020 | 9789463663014 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The Architectural Record during its midcentury years of 1942 to 1967, was a riveting centre of architectural journalism follo...


Zhang, Dadi | Paperback / softback | 11-06-2020 | 9789463662871

It is well-known that the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) at schools affects the health, comfort and performance of s...


Cyber-physical systems as foundation for intelligent adaptive façades

Böke, Jens | Paperback / softback | 03-06-2020 | 9789463662840 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

New technologies and automation concepts emerge in the digitalization of our environment. This is, for example, reflected by ...


Method Development, Experimentation, and Computation

Rasooli, Arash | Paperback / softback | 01-05-2020 | 9789463662765 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Accurate determination of building's critical thermo-physical characteristics such as the walls' thermal resistance, thermal ...


The presence and changes of Turkish amenities in Amsterdam

Sezer, Ceren | Paperback / softback | 06-02-2020 | 9789463662543 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This research introduces the concept of visibility as a useful tool to assess the democratic features of public spaces. It un...


A comparison between Theory and Practice

Brom, Paula van den | Paperback / softback | 28-01-2020 | 9789463662536

Energy simulation models for buildings are widely used by policymakers, researchers and consultants as a tool to advice on th...


Profiling householders' comfort- and energy-related behaviours with mixed-methods

Ortiz, Marco A. | Paperback / softback | 27-01-2020 | 9789463662345

This research aimed at understanding how occupants use energy in their homes to make themselves feel more comfortable. This w...


A Cross-case Comparison of Dispersed Urban Development in Europe

Wandl, Alexander | Paperback / softback | 06-01-2020 | 9789463662444 |
Levertijd 5 dagen



Developing design principles based on user-focused evaluation

Kwon, Minyoung | Paperback / softback | 19-12-2019 | 9789463662406 |
Levertijd 5 dagen



Jauslin, Daniel | Paperback / softback | 04-12-2019 | 9789463662369 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This thesis explores the ways in which landscape is relevant as a concept for designing architecture. Buildings that have bee...


a preference-based design and decision approach

Arkesteijn, Monique | Paperback / softback | 19-11-2019 | 9789463662260

One of the long-standing issues in corporate real estate (CRE) management is the alignment of an organization's real estate t...


Solid cast glass components and assemblies for structural applications

Oikonomopoulou, Faidra | Paperback / softback | 05-11-2019 | 9789463662208 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Over the last decades, the perception of glass in the engineering world has changed from that of a brittle, fragile material ...


Passive cooling strategies for hot humid climates, inspired by Chinese vernacular architecture

Du, Xiaoyu | Paperback / softback | 05-11-2019 | 9789463662185 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Space is the empty part of the building, but its volume is important for the activities of occupants. Architects define the g...


Investeringsbeslissingen van ­woningcorporaties in stedelijke ­vernieuwingswijken in samenwerking met andere actoren

Plasschaert, Nicole | Paperback / softback | 30-10-2019 | 9789463662161 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Investeringen door woningcorporaties zijn van groot belang voor de continuïteit van de stedelijke vernieuwing in Nederla...


Addressing the spatial logics of favelas

Chagas Cavalcanti, Ana Rosa | Paperback / softback | 19-08-2019 | 9789463661997

This doctoral thesis mainly consists of a series of journal publications written by the author between 2015 and 2019. The doc...


Analyse van Hollandse buitenplaatsen in hun landschappen (1630-1730)

Verschuure-Stuip, Gerdy | Paperback / softback | 17-07-2019 | 9789463661836 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In de zeventiende eeuw liet de stedelijke elite op grote schaal buitenplaatsen en landgoederen in het Hollandse laagland aanl...