en andere grenzen van de fysica
Smeulders, Ruud | Hardback | 17-06-2021 | 9789464350821 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Misschien heb jij je altijd al afgevraagd of in de tijd reizen nu echt kon. Kun je onzichtbaar worden? Wat is eigenlijk massa...
de zoektocht naar de bouwstenen van het heelal
Vulpen, Ivo van | Paperback / softback | 26-03-2021 | 9789046707746
In De melodie van de natuur neemt Ivo van Vulpen ons mee in de zoektocht naar de kleinste bouwstenen van de natuur. Het is ee...
Gels, H. J. | Paperback / softback | 26-02-2021 | 9789464188790
Relativity theory has annexed the reality of Time through the introduction of the abstract concept of 'spacetime'. Since then...
A Mathematical Framework in Quantum Physics for the quantization of Mass, Electric Charge and Magnetic Spin
Vegt, Wim | Hardback | 03-11-2020 | 9789464182736 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
According to Maxwell's equations Electromagnetic Waves can only propagate along straight lines and it is impossible that Ligh...
A Mathematical Framework for the Electromagnetic-Gravitational Force Density Divisions of the Inner Structure Modes within Black Holes
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 16-07-2020 | 9789464053685
To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire un...
A physical background for Black Holes
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 23-04-2020 | 9789464056723
To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire un...
Van Spaendonck, Koenraad M. L. L. | Paperback / softback | 14-04-2020 | 9789402143270
Dark matter theories build strongly on curve fitting to get the picture right. MOND does not teach us anything about the und...
Massée, Vincent | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2020 | 9789464051803
Elk mens is gefascineerd door het idee naar verre sterren te kunnen reizen vanaf de Aarde. In dit werk is de wetenschappeli...
Een vraagstuk voor de 21ste eeuw
Icke, Vincent | Paperback / softback | 30-12-2019 | 9789463725545
Wat wij weten leidt altijd tot wat we niet weten. Dit boek volgt het historische pad van de meest briljante theorieën in...
Onderhoudsopdrachten voor evenemententechniek
Spanjers, E. | Paperback / softback | 15-07-2019 | 9789082845617
Zo doe je dat! is een praktisch boek met oefeningen voor evenemententechnici. Een technicus die zelf bekabeling kan maken e...
Light contains the key to open the doors to Heaven. Unfortunately, the same key fits on the doors to Hell
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 22-06-2019 | 9789402192735
When we look at todays Physics, we can only be impressed by an enormous amount of knowledge. But our modern knowledge of Phys...
Light contains the key to open the doors to Heaven. Unfortunately, the same key fits on the doors to Hell
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 28-04-2019 | 9789402190984
Nikola Tesla has been one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived. His inventions still are amazing the world by his cr...
Progress in Advanced Unified Field Theories
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 15-03-2019 | 9789402189117
The original idea that electromagnetic waves propagate in every direction with the same universal constant, the speed of ligh...
Van Spaendonck, Koenraad M. L. L. | Paperback / softback | 17-10-2018 | 9789402182491
Mechanics Of The Quantum [MQ] searches for mechanical microprocesses of individual and collective behaviour of quanta (as bui...
Beyond Einstein 4-Dimensional, Kaluza-Klein 5-Dimensional and Superstring 10- and 11 Dimensional Curved Hyperspaces
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 10-09-2018 | 9789402180985
Albert Einstein, Lorentz and Minkowski published in 1905 the Theory of Special Relativity and Einstein published in 1915 his...
The Origin of Electric Charge and Magnetic Spin
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 14-08-2018 | 9789402179637
The world beyond Superstrings describes a world with dimensions smaller than Planck length (1.616229 x 10-35 [m] ). Since 197...
A Boundary Breaking New Theory in Quantum Physics
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 05-07-2018 | 9789402178586
When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when...
A New Boundary Breaking Theory in Quantum Physics
Vegt, Wim | Paperback / softback | 05-07-2018 | 9789402178531
When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when...