Mediaevalia Lovaniensia – Series 1/Studia


Pietro d'Abano and the reception of pseudo-Aristotle's problemata physica in the Middle Ages

Leemans, Pieter de | Paperback / softback | 04-08-2016 | 9789462700635

New insights into Pietro d'Abano's unique approach to translations. The commentary of the Italian physician and philosopher P...



a critical inheritance of mystical themes in the fourteenth century

Kikuchi, Satoshi | Paperback / softback | 24-11-2024 | 9789058679857

The mystical relationship between Meister Eckhart and Jan van Ruusbroec In this thorough textual, historical, and doctrinal s...


reflections on the study of monasticism in the central middle Ages - réflexions sur l étude du monachisme au moyen âge central

Vanderputten, Steven | Paperback / softback | 25-01-2012

The role of monastic institutions in society during the Central Middle Ages has been much debated in medieval studies. Some s...