

Cornock | Hardback | 25-07-2024 | 9781526463432 |
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By using a unique format made up of over 150 frequently asked questions and corresponding answers, Key Questions in Healthcar...


Heginbotham | Paperback / softback | 25-07-2024 | 9781446252550 |
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Taking a broad approach to asset-based public health, the authors outline a programme of action for commissioning appropriate...


Julie Bailey-McHale | Paperback / softback | 25-07-2024 | 9780857029836 |
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An essential guide to mentorship in health and social care....


Gopee | Hardback | 24-07-2024 | 9781473965010 |
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Drawing on the most up-to-date policies and professional regulations, and with an emphasis on the provision of person-centred...


Meer, A. G. A. van der | Paperback / softback | 26-09-2023 | 9789491764424

De serie Natuurkunde voor het mbo is een grondige herziening van de oude reeks Natuurkunde voor het MLO. De inhoud is op veel...


Pycroft | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781847872623 |
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Substance misuse is an interdisciplinary field. The book matches this by incorporating different disciplinary perspectives, w...


Abraham | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781847871862 |
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A practical book which takes readers through the process of designing written materials in health care. It will be valuable r...


Zimmerman | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781544351063 |
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Rahman | Paperback / softback | 20-01-2023 | 9781526413598 |
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With a view to promoting better patient outcomes, well-being for practitioners, and support for those who feel compelled to '...


Rahman | Hardback | 18-01-2023 | 9781526413581 |
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With a view to promoting better patient outcomes, well-being for practitioners, and support for those who feel compelled to '...


Nicholson | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446282502 |
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A concise introduction to the contexts, theories and practicalities of health provision in a globalised world....


Scott | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446208939 |
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'This is a really good text which will support students through their dissertation proposal and project. It covers statistics...


Jones | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446207741 |
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Public health is high on government agendas thanks to the increasing burden lifestyle related illness places on healthcare pr...


Padgett | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781412990332 |
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Designed to meet the needs of public health students, practitioners, and researchers, this Second Edition offers a firm groun...


Oko, Juliette | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857258052 |
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A guide to study skills for students on health and social care foundation degree programmes....


Allen, Ann | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857256010 |
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This book explains why and how you can improve your medical practice through using a variety of investigative skills....


Harvey, John | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2022 | 9780857254337 |
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Focusing on key areas of surveillance and assessment of the population's health and wellbeing, this book is concerned with as...


Leven, Iris van 't | Paperback / softback | 12-09-2022 | 9789491764530

Different chemicals and different methods of analysis are used in each laboratory. Such a fact does not make it easy to provi...


Boekel, E. ten | Paperback / softback | 02-06-2022 | 9789491764516

Dit boek is bedoeld voor alle niveaus laboratoriummedewerkers, in opleiding voor of werkzaam op een klinisch chemisch en hema...


Klaessens, J. W. A. | Paperback / softback | 04-11-2021 | 9789491764509

Er is veel plaats ingeruimd voor praktijkvoorbeelden, waarbij de verschillende soorten laboratoria aan bod komen. Met zijn be...