Carvalhais, Miguel | Paperback / softback | 16-05-2022 | 9789082893557
What is computational art? How does it involve us in unprecedented aesthetic relationships, making us part of works and even ...
studies in art-based learning
Serie: ArtEZ Academia
Lutters, Jeroen | Paperback / softback | 11-01-2022 | 9789491444234
'Teaching Objects' is a journey through art and culture. Jeroen Lutters takes us to see a number of artworks that give new in...
Isacker, Philip van | Paperback / softback | 16-12-2021 | 9789463936224
De sculptura is a collection of ideas about sculpture that could inspire a range of insights into the discipline. They conce...
Isacker, Philip van | Paperback / softback | 16-12-2021 | 9789463936217
Philip Van Isacker is kunstenaar en het boek ‘De sculptura' is de bundeling van een reeks beschouwingen over sculpturen...
Weggeman, Mathieu | Hardback | 02-12-2021 | 9789463192293
Wat is de praktische en maatschappelijke relevantie van deze definitiestudie over de vraag wat kunst is? Het is intellectueel...
150 Facts about Color
Zoelzer, Joanna | Hardback | 24-11-2021 | 9783961713653
For thousands of years, colors have determined our lives. They decide about mating, food, survival and power. They have an i...
New Outlooks on Contemporary Art from a Global Perspective
Zijlmans, Kitty | Paperback / softback | 26-10-2021 | 9789493246058
Mix & Stir, this book's aim is an endeavour to understand art as being a panhuman phenomenon of all times and cultures; to st...
Serie: I maestri del celare
Heer, Jan de | Paperback / softback | 11-02-2021 | 9789071346545
DE ONZICHTBARE SCHILDER Deze e-mailuitwisseling ? vormgegeven als een blocnote! ? is te mooi om in een mailbox te laten ver...
for conservation and presentation of contemporary art guidelines and practice
Beerkens, Lydia | Paperback / softback | 08-12-2020 | 9789490322328
Gesprekken met kunstenaars worden steeds meer beschouwd als een essentieel onderdeel voor het beheer en behoud van moderne en...
Essay over de schilderkunst, de Salon van 1765 en commentaren van Goethe, Crow en Junod
Serie: Les bijoux discrets
Diderot, Denis | Paperback / softback | 15-10-2020 | 9789082005943
DIDEROT SCHILDEREN ! in 12 TWEETS #diderot Schilderen ! Essay over het schilderen (1765): schets, kleur, clair-obscur, expres...
The Aesthetics of Ambiguity understanding and addressing
Serie: Antennae-Arts in Society
Haq, Nav | Paperback / softback | 12-10-2020 | 9789492095763
In The Aesthetics of Ambiguity: Understanding and Addressing Monoculture betogen Pascal Gielen en Nav Haq dat multiculturalis...
Huizinga-lezing 2019
Dumas, Marlene | Paperback / softback | 07-02-2020 | 9789463480703
Het onverantwoordelijke gebaar - of ga terug naar waar je vandaan komt Dit boek bevat de uitgebreide, geannoteerde en ge&ium...
the Art Of Over-Identification
Paperback / softback | 16-01-2020 | 9789059730618
Met de publicatie van 'Cultural Activism Today. The Art of Over-Identification' willen de initiatiefnemers een lans breken vo...
Platforms, Policies, Technologies
Mechelen, Marga van | Paperback / softback | 02-12-2019 | 9789492852144
This edited volume offers an in-depth exploration of Dutch media art from 1985 onwards from many different perspectives. Thro...
Serie: ArtEZ Academia
Sonderen, Peter | Paperback / softback | 19-11-2019 | 9789491444586
What do we mean by theory in the arts, and what role does it play in that sense? Theory appears as an active, transformative,...
Lutters, Jeroen | overig | 20-08-2019 | 9789491444616
The books Teaching Objects, Ema (nude on a staircase), and Cy Twomblys Quattro Stagioni have been bundled together in a beaut...
Studies in art-based learning
Serie: ArtEZ Academia
Lutters, Jeroen | Hardback | 20-08-2019 | 9789491444562
The fourth instalment of the ‘Teaching Objects' series revolves around “Creation”. In this art novella the ...
Benjamin's Hidden Doctrine
Serie: Reflect
Cauter, Lieven de | Paperback / softback | 21-12-2018 | 9789462084971
This thorough study on the work of the German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin exposes - in Benjamin's own metaphor - the &...