
Op ontdekkingsreis door 60 jaar muziekgeschiedenis

Bessels, Wouter | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789023259619 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Journalist en muziekkenner Wouter Bessels schreef tussen 2009 en 2015 meer dan 150 muziekcolumns, waarin hij de lezer onderdo...


A Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative Use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC

Evening, Martin (Adobe; Berkhamsted, UK) | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9781138086760 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers by Photoshop Hall-of-Famer and acclaimed digital imaging professional Martin Evening has...


Bowen, Christopher (Framingham State University, USA) | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9781032190136 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The new edition of Grammar of the Shot teaches readers theoretical principles behind successful visual communication in motio...


A Guide and Workbook for New and Experienced Writers

Goldfinger, Jacqueline | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9781032056616 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Writing Translations and Adaptations for the Stage is a practical guide for writing adapted works for theatrical performance,...


Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (University of Leicester, UK) | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9780415086332 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This stimulating new book is a multi-disciplinary study that adopts an innovative and original approach to a highly topical q...


Anxiety, Laughter and Politics in Unstable Times

Perera, Sasanka (South Asian University, New Delhi, India) | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9780367564018 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This book critically examines the role and politics of humour and the performance of power in South Asia. The volume explores...


Dinur, Eran (Brainstorm Digital, USA) | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9780367199265 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This book offers a comprehensive and detailed guide to accomplishing and perfecting a photorealistic look in digital content ...


The City Depicted in the Seventeenth Century

Middelkoop, Norbert | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789462625020

Inspired by poets, draughtsmen and printmakers, painters also discovered Haarlem and its beautiful surroundings as rewarding ...


de stad verbeeld in de zeventiende eeuw

Middelkoop, Norbert | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789462625013

Geïnspireerd door dichters, tekenaars en prentmakers ontdekten ook schilders de stad en haar fraaie ligging als dankbare...


De uittocht en gedeeltelijke terugkeer van Nederlands Kunstbezit tijdens en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog

Ekkart, Rudi | Hardback | 20-09-2023 | 9789462624979

Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn er door Nazi-Duitsland veel kunstwerken van voornamelijk Joodse kunstenaars ingenomen. Ro...


Coljon, Thierry | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789464104110

Paul Van Haver alias Stromae is uniek: muzikaal toptalent, wereldster en cultfiguur, meester in marketingstunts maar ook iema...


nieuwe kijk op kunst

Lakeman, Daniëlle | Hardback | 20-09-2023 | 9789493273665

Museumwereld stoffig? Niet als je met Dutch Girls In Museums (Daniëlle Lakeman en Iris Zaagman) gaat. De kunstkenners n...


225 jaar lezen in de KB

Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9789048558605



Tuttle Studio | Paperback / softback | 20-09-2023 | 9780804856607

Give your kids the gift of limitless creativity--the gateway to a world where learning and imagination intertwine! Within th...


Plantenga, Dennis | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9789463655712

In dit boek staan historische foto's van Zandvoort, verkregen via het Noord Hollands Archief, het Genootschap Oud Zandvoort e...


Over film

Winkel, Camiel van | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9789464598360



Peper, Sanne | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9789083345925

The project of Sanne Peper about The Deep South, a highly complex and interesting part of the US has culminated in the public...


Epi-Centre Ville

Wilschut, Hans | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9789083285894

‘Beirut, Epi-Centre Ville' recalls the aftershock of the explosion that hit Beirut in 2020. The disaster killed 218 peo...


Sagmeister, Stefan | Paperback / softback | 19-09-2023 | 9781838666965

Stefan Sagmeister's newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving...


Soulful Architecture and Interiors

Robbins, Celeste | Hardback | 19-09-2023 | 9781580936231

An inspiring collection of contemporary homes by architect Celeste Robbins, principal of Robbins Architecture, whose modern d...