Voeten, Jessica | Hardback | 08-12-2023 | 9789462625181
Ruim een eeuw geleden bracht de Amsterdamse schilder Martin Monnickendam (1874-1943) met vrouw en dochters twee zomers door o...
Farrar, Alex | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2023 | 9789493329003
| A new book project by Alex Farrar, including an index of 49 questions about happiness. | Limited-edition publication boun...
Op de schouders van 10 jaar Open Ruimte Platform
De Vrieze, Lene | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2023 | 9789491789380
Landbouwers en natuurverenigingen slaan de handen in elkaar om open ruimte voor voedselproductie te vrijwaren en tegelijk te ...
Groot, Marjan | Hardback | 06-12-2023 | 9789462087811
De bijdrage van vrouwen aan de toegepaste kunst en industriële vormgeving in Nederland tussen 1880 en 1940 is sterk onde...
Grondleggers van de Nederlandse schilderkunst
Stufkens, André | Hardback | 06-12-2023 | 9789464563313
De maandbladen uit de Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry behoren wereldwijd tot de bekendste miniaturen uit de middele...
Bosman, Cécile | Hardback | 06-12-2023 | 9789048561957
De zeeschilderkunst is een vierhonderd jaar oud specialisme van de traditionele Hollandse schilderschool. Het schilderen van ...
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927665
Dive into a world of otherworldly wonders with the "Alien Ocean Creatures Grayscale Coloring Book." This unique coloring book...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927658
"Christmas Chuckles Grayscale Coloring Book" brings a delightful blend of holiday cheer and lighthearted fun to your coloring...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927641
"Christmas Ocean Deities Grayscale Coloring Book" is a captivating and imaginative coloring journey that combines the mystica...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927627
"Christmas Creatures Grayscale Coloring Page" is a delightful and imaginative coloring book that brings a unique twist to the...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927474
Journey deeper into the enchanting realm of "Insect Queens Vol 2," a grayscale coloring book that continues to celebrate the ...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927467
Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the world of "Insect Queens Vol 1," a grayscale coloring book that combines the grace of...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927450
Experience the magic of the holiday season with "Everything Christmas Vol 2 ," a captivating grayscale coloring book that cap...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927436
Step into a serene winter wonderland with "Winter Girls," a grayscale coloring book that captures the enchanting beauty of gi...
Grayscale Coloring Book
Coloring, Nori Art | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789464927429
Dive into the depths of imagination with "Ocean Goddesses Vol 1," a captivating grayscale coloring book that pays homage to t...
Veldhoen, Venus | Hardback | 05-12-2023 | 9789462264830
Venus Veldhoen laat een selectie van ongeveer 150 portretten zien die ze in de afgelopen 30 jaar heeft gemaakt. Het boek is o...
Serie: ArtEZ Academia
Butcher, Clare | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789491444739
This inspiring book addresses questions such as: How can we become active within our own learning and unlearning process? Wha...
Bergman, Joost | Paperback / softback | 05-12-2023 | 9789462625334
Beeldhouwer Tom Claassen (1964) zoekt in zijn sculpturen naar de essentie van de vorm. Door het tonen van de archetypische ke...