
Bakker, Anneke | Hardback | 29-05-2024 | 9789462625549

Binnen de zeventiende-eeuwse schilderkunst speelt de krans een bescheiden, maar interessante rol. Het is vaak een detail dat ...


De biografie

Thijssen, Jeroen | Paperback / softback | 29-05-2024 | 9789046832523

De langverwachte biografie van de maker van Kraut en Styx'Hij was echt een bezielde kunstenaar.' Robert CrumbPeter Pontiac is...


The story of a fashion icon

Johnson, Glenys | Hardback | 29-05-2024 | 9781802798364

With this guide to her style trajectory, key looks and signature pieces, dive into the stunning world of Taylor Swift's style...


piano, violin, viola, cello and trumpet parts

Van Acker, Lievi | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789403726311

This score contains the piano, violin, viola, cello and trumpet parts of "Music for an imagined movie". Players and conductor...


full score

Van Acker, Lievi | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789403720388

This score is an invitation to create one's own movie while interpreting the music. Three of the compositions are for strings...


A Travelogue by Leeke Reinders

Reinders, Leeke | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789464987379

For the fifth book in the In Practice series, Aurélie Hachez and Leeke Reinders invite readers on a road journey throu...


Craft, Creativity, and the Business of Design

Owens, Matt | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083404141

Providing tactical strategies and creative support to tackle the complexities of balancing intuition and taste, technical and...


Locke Hobbs, Thomas | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083357195

Motorcycles are the mode of choice to get around in Medellín, Colombia. In the working-class districts that climb the ...


Tscholl, Martin | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083357157

A significant part of the work of artistic researcher Martin Tscholl (DE) involves walking through meadows, forests, and moun...


Gombrich, EH | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668242

Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text ? the ideal gift for every art connoisseur and student...


The Complete Flowers

Mapplethorpe, Robert | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668211

The definitive collection of Robert Mapplethorpe's flower photographs in a sophisticated new edition...


Álvaro Siza

Malagamba, Duccio | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668181

A curated survey of the legendary Portuguese architect's most interesting buildings, photographed by Duccio Malagamba...



foreigners Everywhere

Pedrosa, Adriano | Hardback | 27-12-2024 | 9788836657735

The 60th International Art Exhibition, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, which will be held from April 20th to November 24th 2024 i...


Kuper, Marijke | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2024 | 9789462080188

Wegens groot succes is De stoel van Rietveld opnieuw leverbaar als eerste deel in een nieuwe reeks onder de titel Premsela De...



Leroy, Jean-Francois | Paperback / softback | 08-1-2025 | 9789461617934

Visa pour l'image est un festival international de photojournalisme créé en 1989....


Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789464941036

Promotionele tekst Hommage aan de Nederlandse kust en het reddingswerk op het water door fotografen Robin de Puy en Jeroen Ho...


Lieburg, Fred van | Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789462088597

Een unieke inkijk in niet eerder gedocumenteerde kerkinterieurs Met fotografie van Bram Petraeus, winnaar van de Zil...


Rossie, Eva | Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789464987027

In dit boek doet fotografe Eva Rossie ons nadenken over hoe we naar elkaar kijken, in casu de vrouwelijke fotografe die naar ...



Loukes, Andrew (Curator) | Paperback / softback | binnenkort weer leverbaar | 9781849769037
