Bakker, Anneke | Hardback | 29-05-2024 | 9789462625549
Binnen de zeventiende-eeuwse schilderkunst speelt de krans een bescheiden, maar interessante rol. Het is vaak een detail dat ...
De biografie
Thijssen, Jeroen | Paperback / softback | 29-05-2024 | 9789046832523
De langverwachte biografie van de maker van Kraut en Styx'Hij was echt een bezielde kunstenaar.' Robert CrumbPeter Pontiac is...
piano, violin, viola, cello and trumpet parts
Van Acker, Lievi | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789403726311
This score contains the piano, violin, viola, cello and trumpet parts of "Music for an imagined movie". Players and conductor...
full score
Van Acker, Lievi | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789403720388
This score is an invitation to create one's own movie while interpreting the music. Three of the compositions are for strings...
A Travelogue by Leeke Reinders
Reinders, Leeke | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789464987379
For the fifth book in the In Practice series, Aurélie Hachez and Leeke Reinders invite readers on a road journey throu...
Craft, Creativity, and the Business of Design
Owens, Matt | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083404141
Providing tactical strategies and creative support to tackle the complexities of balancing intuition and taste, technical and...
Locke Hobbs, Thomas | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083357195
Motorcycles are the mode of choice to get around in Medellín, Colombia. In the working-class districts that climb the ...
Tscholl, Martin | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9789083357157
A significant part of the work of artistic researcher Martin Tscholl (DE) involves walking through meadows, forests, and moun...
Gombrich, EH | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668242
Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text ? the ideal gift for every art connoisseur and student...
The Complete Flowers
Mapplethorpe, Robert | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668211
The definitive collection of Robert Mapplethorpe's flower photographs in a sophisticated new edition...
Álvaro Siza
Malagamba, Duccio | Hardback | 28-05-2024 | 9781838668181
A curated survey of the legendary Portuguese architect's most interesting buildings, photographed by Duccio Malagamba...
foreigners Everywhere
Pedrosa, Adriano | Hardback | 27-12-2024 | 9788836657735
The 60th International Art Exhibition, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, which will be held from April 20th to November 24th 2024 i...
Leroy, Jean-Francois | Paperback / softback | 08-1-2025 | 9789461617934
Visa pour l'image est un festival international de photojournalisme créé en 1989....
Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789464941036
Promotionele tekst Hommage aan de Nederlandse kust en het reddingswerk op het water door fotografen Robin de Puy en Jeroen Ho...
Lieburg, Fred van | Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789462088597
Een unieke inkijk in niet eerder gedocumenteerde kerkinterieurs Met fotografie van Bram Petraeus, winnaar van de Zil...
Rossie, Eva | Hardback | 27-05-2024 | 9789464987027
In dit boek doet fotografe Eva Rossie ons nadenken over hoe we naar elkaar kijken, in casu de vrouwelijke fotografe die naar ...
Serie: Journal of Facade Design and Engineering
Knaack, Ulrich | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2024 | 9789083271330
Loukes, Andrew (Curator) | Paperback / softback | binnenkort weer leverbaar | 9781849769037