
Breakwell | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781529732078 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This book looks at the causes, consequences and control of mistrust. It provides a model for understanding and combatting it....


Major | Hardback | 25-02-2023 | 9781529732047 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

A short, innovative book that outlines what we know about the declining state of social mobility in the UK and proposes what ...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781526463838 |
Levertijd 5 dagen



Jolley | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781526456908 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In the latest issue we look at threats to the right to protest around the world, how protesters are being threatened in diffe...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 25-02-2023 | 9781526440136 |
Levertijd 5 dagen



Over de laatste ontwikkelingen in het kankeronderzoek

Gils, Carla van | Paperback / softback | 08-02-2023 | 9789088031236

Het aantal kankerpatiënten in Nederland stijgt de komende jaren explosief; van circa 800.000 nu tot circa 1,4 miljoen in...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 20-01-2023 | 9781526404534 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Does it pose threats if people choose to write under a pen name? Is that as true of a book as a Tweet? Why should that be? Th...


Campaign for Social Science | Paperback / softback | 20-01-2023 | 9781473989450 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

As Britain ages amid austerity, more and more people will suffer from long-term health conditions. Obesity and diabetes are o...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 20-01-2023 | 9781473902213 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

A special report on how propaganda is used during wars, and where the line between truth and security is drawn....


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 19-01-2023 | 9781473981119 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Features historian Tom Holland, actor Simon Callow, Brazil's controversial director Roberto Alvim and Bollywood's Aparna Sen ...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 19-01-2023 | 9781473942196 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

With reports from Turkey, South Africa and China, this title offers a look at the freedoms around the world. It also feature...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 19-01-2023 | 9781473919327 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In this issue authors from around the world including the former Observer literary editor Robert McCrum, and Oxford Universit...


Todd | Hardback | 19-01-2023 | 9781446274286 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

By using a fresh, sociological perspective, this book explores the development of sexualities across both public and private ...


Glanville | Paperback / softback | 19-01-2023 | 9781446253618 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Index marks its fortieth anniversary with a special issue marking the highs and lows for freedom of expression since the maga...


Dorling | Paperback / softback | 19-01-2023 | 9781446252970 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In this unique, fully revised, full colour book, Danny Dorling - one of the biggest names in social sciences today - maps and...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781526432070 |
Levertijd 5 dagen



Jolley | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781473970700 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Looks at taboos all over the world from Bangladesh to Britain. This title also includes a special section of cartoons from ac...


Jolley | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781473929524 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

From refugee camps around the world, are the stories that the world hears anything like the life inside? This book tells us h...


Gutierrez | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446273616 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Fallout: Free speech and the economic crisis...


Glanville | Paperback / softback | 18-01-2023 | 9781446260494 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Index looks at the threats to academic freedom around the world - from political correctness to the funding squeeze....