Addressing the spatial logics of favelas
Serie: A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
Chagas Cavalcanti, Ana Rosa | Paperback / softback | 19-08-2019 | 9789463661997
This doctoral thesis mainly consists of a series of journal publications written by the author between 2015 and 2019. The doc...
Mehaffy, Michael W. | Paperback / softback | 05-08-2019 | 9789463864800
In this brief, accessible volume, the authors ? an urban philosopher and a mathematician-physicist ? explain the surprising n...
Mehaffy, Michael W. | Paperback / softback | 05-08-2019 | 9789463864046
Cities are experiencing a renaissance today, because we've begun to understand how they really work -- and how to make them w...
Hong Kong Housing Beyond Uniformity
Maas, Winy | Paperback / softback | 05-08-2019 | 9789462083745
For English please see below Is het mogelijk in Hongkong woningen te bouwen die niet onverbiddelijk uniform zijn? Hoe kunnen...
Boeggild, Signe Sophie | Paperback / softback | 18-07-2019 | 9789462084933
For English please see below Architectuur en stedenbouw kunnen ertoe bijdragen dat onze steden beter bestand zijn tegen migr...
Analyse van Hollandse buitenplaatsen in hun landschappen (1630-1730)
Serie: A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
Verschuure-Stuip, Gerdy | Paperback / softback | 17-07-2019 | 9789463661836 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In de zeventiende eeuw liet de stedelijke elite op grote schaal buitenplaatsen en landgoederen in het Hollandse laagland aanl...
Woodroffe, Jonathan | Paperback / softback | 03-07-2019 | 9789068687743
This publication presents a selection of design proposals submitted for the 14th session of Europan, the Netherlands. Europan...
Ruimtefragmenten uitgelicht / Fragments of space examined
Storgaard, Eva | Paperback / softback | 01-07-2019 | 9789057188794
Interieur is overal en onontkoombaar. Ontworpen of niet, het beïnvloedt ruimtelijk gebruik en perceptie, en is het de be...
Dupon, Sofia | Paperback / softback | 28-06-2019 | 9789068687828
Spring 1934. In a boggy clay polder south of Amsterdam, the first sods are cut for what would become the largest urban forest...
Kaan, Kees | Paperback / softback | 24-06-2019 | 9789463661843 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
By using Amsterdam as a living laboratory, graduate students, researchers and teachers of the architectural design chair of C...
Discretionary Approaches to Planning in the Netherlands
Serie: A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
Balz, Verena | Paperback / softback | 13-06-2019 | 9789463661829 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
This thesis elaborates on the role and position of regional design in spatial planning. Building upon the argument that desig...
Serie: A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
Moreno Pessôa, Igor Tempels | Paperback / softback | 13-06-2019 | 9789463661683 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Over the last half century, the Global South has faced a strong rise in the rate of urbanisation. Although this process diffe...
The transformation of Dutch Museums
Roos, Job | Paperback / softback | 12-06-2019 | 9789463661805 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In 1990 the then Minister for Culture, Hedy d'Ancona, issued the Delta Plan for Cultural Preservation: a large-scale and nati...
MSc II Design Studio Mobility & Public Space in the City of the Future
Cavallo, Roberto | Paperback / softback | 11-06-2019 | 9789463661201 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
How can we design and develop a transformation area in an integral way into an attractive and future-proof urban environment?...
Strategies and Practices of Exchange
Serie: Vis-à-vis
Davidts, Wouter | Paperback / softback | 05-06-2019 | 9789492095671
Since the 1960s, art and architecture have experienced a series of radical and reciprocal trades. While artists have simulate...
Bronkhorst, Arjan | Hardback | 04-06-2019 | 9789462581265
Een vast onderdeel van onze vakantie in het buitenland is voor velen een bezoek aan een kerk. Maar waarom doen we dat in eige...
100 jaar tijdloze architectuur
Neef, Inge de | Hardback | 31-05-2019 | 9789462263055
Architect Paul Briët werkte in het bureau van Hanrath te Hilversum. Na de dood van Hanrath zette hij het bureau voort. I...
Caso, Olindo | Paperback / softback | 28-05-2019 | 9789463661478 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Public libraries want to contribute to an inclusive and innovative society and aim to enable their patrons to acquire the nec...