
the Egyptian magical Papyrus Leiden I 343 + 345

Beck, Susanne | Paperback / softback | 20-03-2018 | 9789088905391 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Papyrus Leiden I 343 + 345 is one of the most extraordinary manuscripts providing a deeper insight into magic and medicine in...


Estudio arqueológico sobre el paisaje indígena de Haytí y su transformación al paisaje colonial de La Española (1200-1550)

Herrera Malatesta, Eduardo | Hardback | 15-03-2018 | 9789088905728 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Para las poblaciones indígenas la llegada de Colon al Caribe en 1492 significó una transformación y rees...


Estudio arqueológico sobre el paisaje indígena de Haytí y su transformación al paisaje colonial de La Española (1200-1550)

Herrera Malatesta, Eduardo | Paperback / softback | 15-03-2018 | 9789088905711 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Para las poblaciones indígenas la llegada de Colon al Caribe en 1492 significó una transformación y rees...


voices, images, and objects of material producers 2000–1550 BC

Miniaci, Gianluca | Hardback | 06-03-2018 | 9789088905247 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This book provides an innovative analysis of the conditions of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship in the light of the archaeology...


voices, images, and objects of material producers 2000–1550 BC

Miniaci, Gianluca | Paperback / softback | 06-03-2018 | 9789088905230 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This book provides an innovative analysis of the conditions of ancient Egyptian craftsmanship in the light of the archaeology...


An introduction based on finds from Birka, Sweden

Ježek, Martin | Paperback / softback | 08-02-2018 | 9789088905179 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Did ancient Europeans truly believe in an active after-life, as modern Europeans would like to think they did? What purpose ...


Steiner, Margreet | Paperback / softback | 30-01-2018 | 9789088905612 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Dit is het verhaal van een bijzondere opgraving. Onderzocht werd een onaanzienlijke ruïneheuvel in Jordanië. De naa...


An introduction based on finds from Birka, Sweden

Ježek, Martin | Hardback | 30-01-2018 | 9789088905186 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Did ancient Europeans truly believe in an active after-life, as modern Europeans would like to think they did? What purpose d...


archaeological perspectives

Van Oosten, Roos | Hardback | 24-01-2018 | 9789088905032 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

It is commonly believed that in medieval and post-medieval towns and cities death outnumbered births and that these urban cen...


archaeological perspectives

Van Oosten, Roos | Paperback / softback | 24-01-2018 | 9789088905025 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

It is commonly believed that in medieval and post-medieval towns and cities death outnumbered births and that these urban cen...


Archaeological and anthropological perspectives

Heitz, Caroline | Hardback | 24-01-2018 | 9789088904615 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

For many past and present societies, pottery forms an integral part of material culture and everyday practice. This makes it ...


Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015)

Mayoral Herrera, Victorino | Hardback | 08-01-2018 | 9789088904523 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Digital technologies have numerous applications in archaeology ranging from the documentation of the archaeological evidence ...


Harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the Iberian Peninsula (2006-2015)

Mayoral Herrera, Victorino | Paperback / softback | 08-01-2018 | 9789088904516 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Digital technologies have numerous applications in archaeology ranging from the documentation of the archaeological evidence ...


Dijkstra, Tamara | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904813 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

At the beginning of the first century BC Athens was an independent city bound to Rome through a friendship alliance. By the e...


Dijkstra, Tamara | Paperback / softback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904806 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

At the beginning of the first century BC Athens was an independent city bound to Rome through a friendship alliance. By the e...


archaeological perspectives

Koutrafouri, Vasiliki | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904790 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

'Ritual Failure' is a new concept in archaeology adopted from the discipline of anthropology. Resilient religious systems dis...


histories of experimental archaeology

Reeves Flores, Jody | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904783 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

With Experiments Past the important role that experimental archaeology has played in the development of archaeology is finall...


studies of ancient egyptian footwear

Veldmeijer, André | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904745 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of all...


Veldmeijer, André | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904738 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna (or Amarna, ancient Akhetaten) was the short-lived capital built by the controver...


Veldmeijer, André | Hardback | 22-12-2017 | 9789088904714 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This catalogue presents the ancient Egyptian footwear in the collection of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. The catalogue contains...