
A GIS Procedure to Study Settlement Organization in Early Roman Colonial Territories

Casarotto, Anita | Paperback / softback | 04-10-2018 | 9789087283117 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This 43th volume of the ASLU series presents a useful GIS procedure to study settlement patterns in landscape archaeology. In...


Grassroots Heritage Initiatives and Community Engagement

Ariese-Vandemeulebroucke, Csilla | Hardback | 01-10-2018 | 9789088905933 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

A mosaic is the only image which can do justice to museums in the Caribbean. They are as diverse and plentiful as the many co...


Grassroots Heritage Initiatives and Community Engagement

Ariese-Vandemeulebroucke, Csilla | Paperback / softback | 01-10-2018 | 9789088905926 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

A mosaic is the only image which can do justice to museums in the Caribbean. They are as diverse and plentiful as the many co...


Case Studies from the coastal villages of St. Kitts and the Kalinago Territory, Dominica

Stancioff, Charlotte Eloise | Hardback | 17-09-2018 | 9789088905872 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In the Caribbean region, landscape change is part of the region's history. The Caribbean exemplifies man-made changes to land...


Case Studies from the coastal villages of St. Kitts and the Kalinago Territory, Dominica

Stancioff, Charlotte Eloise | Paperback / softback | 17-09-2018 | 9789088905865 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

In the Caribbean region, landscape change is part of the region's history. The Caribbean exemplifies man-made changes to land...


Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian collection in Leiden

Raven, Maarten | Hardback | 13-09-2018 | 9789088905520 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Jan Herman Insinger was a well-known character in the history of Egyptology, mainly because his name has been linked forever ...


Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian collection in Leiden

Raven, Maarten | Paperback / softback | 13-09-2018 | 9789088905513 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Jan Herman Insinger was a well-known character in the history of Egyptology, mainly because his name has been linked forever ...


Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Budka, Julia | Hardback | 11-09-2018 | 9789088905995 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

As reflected in the title "From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia", both a ...


Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Budka, Julia | Paperback / softback | 11-09-2018 | 9789088905988 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

As reflected in the title "From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia", both a ...


Opgravingen in de Wateringse Binnentuinen

Ginkel, Evert van | Paperback / softback | 11-07-2018 | 9789460100796

Vroege `Haagse' boeren op begraven duinen De Wateringse Binnentuinen zijn nu een ruim opgezette nieuwbouwwijk van Den Haa...


Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine peninsula

Borgia, Valentina | Hardback | 03-07-2018 | 9789088905841 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The picture of the Palaeolithic adaptations in the Italian Peninsula has always been coarse-grained compared to various well...


Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine peninsula

Borgia, Valentina | Paperback / softback | 03-07-2018 | 9789088905834 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

The picture of the Palaeolithic adaptations in the Italian Peninsula has always been coarse-grained compared to various well...


The Tano Chariot, A Case Study

Veldmeijer, André | Hardback | 30-05-2018 | 9789088904677 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Chariots, the racing cars of the ancient world, first appeared in Egypt about 1600 BC, and quickly became not only the prefer...


The Tano Chariot, A Case Study

Veldmeijer, André | Paperback / softback | 30-05-2018 | 9789088904660 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Chariots, the racing cars of the ancient world, first appeared in Egypt about 1600 BC, and quickly became not only the prefer...


contemporary Maya Calendar Knowledge and Practices in the Highlands of Guatemala

Akker, Paul van den | Paperback / softback | 30-04-2018 | 9789087283094 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

This work analyzes ritual practices and knowledge related to the Mesoamerican calendar with the aim of contributing to the un...


Een geschiedenis van 200 jaar

Keurs, Peter ter | Hardback | 23-04-2018 | 9789462621756

In juni 1818 werd de jonge Caspar Reuvens (1793-1835) benoemd tot hoogleraar archeologie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Tegelijk...


Een archeologisch perspectief

Sanden, Wijnand van der | Hardback | 16-04-2018 | 9789023255642

Drenthe kent een lange bewoningsgeschiedenis. De oudste sporen van menselijke aanwezigheid gaan zeker 50.000 jaar terug, miss...


Implications archéologiques et anthropologiques

Kerner, Jennifer | Hardback | 20-03-2018 | 9789088905445 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

La mort d'autrui est une épreuve que les communautés humaines ont dû apprendre à surmonter d&egrav...


Implications archéologiques et anthropologiques

Kerner, Jennifer | Paperback / softback | 20-03-2018 | 9789088905438 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

La mort d'autrui est une épreuve que les communautés humaines ont dû apprendre à surmonter d&egrav...


the Egyptian magical Papyrus Leiden I 343 + 345

Beck, Susanne | Hardback | 20-03-2018 | 9789088905407 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Papyrus Leiden I 343 + 345 is one of the most extraordinary manuscripts providing a deeper insight into magic and medicine in...