The macro and microscopic characteristics of experimental samples
Emmerich Kamper, Theresa | Hardback | 03-06-2020 | 9789088908378 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
The importance of skin processing technologies in the history and expansion of humankind cannot be overstated, yet these tech...
The macro and microscopic characteristics of experimental samples
Emmerich Kamper, Theresa | Paperback / softback | 03-06-2020 | 9789088908361 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
The importance of skin processing technologies in the history and expansion of humankind cannot be overstated, yet these tech...
Vandenbeusch, Marie | Hardback | 27-05-2020 | 9789088908286 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
L'âne, animal essentiel au commerce et à l'agriculture de l'Égypte ancienne, apparaît dans des sour...
Vandenbeusch, Marie | Paperback / softback | 27-05-2020 | 9789088908279 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
L'âne, animal essentiel au commerce et à l'agriculture de l'Égypte ancienne, apparaît dans des sour...
Jurriaans-Helle, Geralda | Paperback / softback | 17-03-2020 | 9789088909276
De Egyptische weeftraditie is eeuwenoud. Het goed bewaarde textiel uit het eerste millennium na Christus vormt hierin een bij...
Het verhaal van 75 archeologische vondsten uit 25 gemeenten
Wentink, Suzanne | Hardback | 11-03-2020 | 9789089320438
Biochemische und kulturgeschichtliche Studien zum früheisenzeitlichen Essen und Trinken
Serie: BEFIM
Stockhammer, Philipp | Hardback | 17-01-2020 | 9789088907708 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Band 2 der BEFIM-Reihe enthält sieben Beiträge des BEFIM-Teams und enger Kooperationspartner. Die Zwischenberichte ...
Biochemische und kulturgeschichtliche Studien zum früheisenzeitlichen Essen und Trinken
Serie: BEFIM
Stockhammer, Philipp | Paperback / softback | 17-01-2020 | 9789088907685 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Band 2 der BEFIM-Reihe enthält sieben Beiträge des BEFIM-Teams und enger Kooperationspartner. Die Zwischenberichte ...
Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880
Serie: Taboui
Antczak, Konrad | Hardback | 09-01-2020 | 9789088908163 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
The early-modern Venezuelan Caribbean did not lure seafarers with the saccharine delights of cane sugar but with the preservi...
Eine Studie zur Entwicklung und Funktion von Burgen im südlichen Jütland (1232–1443)
Magnussen, Stefan | Hardback | 20-12-2019 | 9789088908682 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In ganz Europa bestimmten Burgen im hohen und späten Mittelalter die Herrschaftspraxis. Doch während dies in zahlre...
Eine Studie zur Entwicklung und Funktion von Burgen im südlichen Jütland (1232–1443)
Magnussen, Stefan | Paperback / softback | 20-12-2019 | 9789088908675 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In ganz Europa bestimmten Burgen im hohen und späten Mittelalter die Herrschaftspraxis. Doch während dies in zahlre...
Past, Present, and Future Research Directions
Serie: Taboui
De Waal, Maaike | Hardback | 19-12-2019 | 9789088908460 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
This volume provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of the archaeology of a single Caribbean island yet published. D...
Serie: Scales of Transformation
Koch, Julia | Hardback | 19-12-2019 | 9789088908224 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeolo...
Serie: Scales of Transformation
Koch, Julia | Paperback / softback | 19-12-2019 | 9789088908217 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeolo...
Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Porcier, Stéphanie | Paperback / softback | 17-12-2019 | 9789088907722 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Ancient Egyptians always had an intense and complex relationship with animals in daily life as well as in religion. Despite t...
Essays on Animals in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Porcier, Stéphanie | Hardback | 17-12-2019 | 9789088907715 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Ancient Egyptians always had an intense and complex relationship with animals in daily life as well as in religion. Despite t...
Reizen en koken langs de Romeinse Limes
Vandepoel, Claudia | Hardback | 16-12-2019 | 9789460100949
Claudia Vandepoel neemt de lezer mee van Xanten naar de muur van Hadrianus in Engeland en laat ons kennismaken met de lokale ...
Past, Present, and Future Research Directions
Serie: Taboui
De Waal, Maaike | Paperback / softback | 12-12-2019 | 9789088908453 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
This volume provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of the archaeology of a single Caribbean island yet published. D...
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Serie: Honor Frost Foundation General Publication
Blue, Lucy | Hardback | 12-12-2019 | 9789088908316 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative rese...
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Serie: Honor Frost Foundation General Publication
Blue, Lucy | Paperback / softback | 12-12-2019 | 9789088908309 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative rese...