
Monaghan, Lee F. | Paperback / softback | 02-03-2022 | 9781526465887 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

Systematically explains the concepts that have preoccupied medical sociologists from its inception, and which have shaped the...


Everyday Action for Change

Hughes, Mark | Paperback / softback | 02-03-2022 | 9781526463852 |
Levertijd 5 dagen

As a social worker, you could work in a variety of different organisation, so understanding and examining the complex issues ...


McLeod, John | Paperback / softback | 02-03-2022 | 9781526459497 |
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A highly practical and accessible guide that throws a lifebelt to any counselling trainee or practitioner learning about the ...


Kaal, Hendrien | Paperback / softback | 24-02-2022 | 9789023258223

De groep mensen met een lvb is oververtegenwoordigd onder de cliënten waar een sociaal werker mee te maken krijgt. Grote...


Verhoeven, Nel | Paperback / softback | 17-02-2022 | 9789024444700

Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek. Wat is onderzoek? is een heldere inleidi...


Diversiteit aan het werk bij Brusselse jongeren van vandaag

Kavadias, Dimokritos | Paperback / softback | 16-02-2022 | 9789461172426

De stad Brussel kent de laatste twee decennia een sterke verjonging en heeft een gemiddelde leeftijd onder die van de andere ...


Cardol, Goos | Paperback / softback | 01-02-2022 | 9789046907153

Sociale professionals zijn geen juristen maar worden in hun werk wel geconfronteerd met problemen van cliënten waarbij j...


Polderpolitiek in tien bedrijven

Kooij, H. J. H. van der | Paperback / softback | 15-12-2021 | 9789083093970 |
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Toeslagenaffaire, coronacrisis, formatieperikelen, 'de kwestie Omtzigt', milieuproblematiek, jongeren en ouderen onder druk, ...


Casemore, Roger | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849207355 |
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This pocket-sized book is the ideal starting place for those new to person-centred counselling. The revised new edition provi...


Lange, Matthew | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849206280 |
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This clear and accessible book, which both describes what comparative-historical research is used for and also introduces wha...


Proctor, Gillian M | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849206143 |
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'Proctor has successfully written a book on counselling ethics that is both engaging and instructive. The activities provided...


What, Why and How?

Swanborn, Peter | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849206129 |
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Helping readers to fully understand the ins and outs of case study research, this book examines the many aspects of case stud...


Atkinson, Paul | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849206082 |
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A major statement on the field from one of the world's foremost authorities on ethnography in the social sciences....


With a Guide to SPSS

Argyrous, George | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849205955 |
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The clearest and most straightforward explanations of statistical concepts are combined with lots of practical examples from ...


A Critical Agenda

Davie, Grace | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849205870 |
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A new edition of a successful book from one of the biggest names in the field of the sociology of religion. The first edition...


The Story of the Sony Walkman

du Gay, Paul | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849205504 |
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A long-awaited second edition of this classic cultural studies textbook. A seminal text brought right up to date for a new ge...


Paperback Edition

Bryant, Antony | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849204781 |
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This Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of grounded theory, taking into account the many atte...


From Start to Finish

Mathews, Ian | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849201797 |
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Embarking on a first practice placement can be an anxious experience for social work students. This textbook takes them step-...


van Deurzen, Emmy | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849200684 |
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Offering a concrete framework and practical methods for working from an existential perspective, the bestselling Existential ...


McLeod, John | Paperback / softback | 07-12-2021 | 9781849200622 |
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John McLeod's book is the only comprehensive guide to the range of qualitative methods used in counselling and psychotherapy....