Pos, Marc | Hardback | 25-01-2022 | 9789089898869
In The Secret of The Night Watch, author and television producer and executive Marc Pos takes you along on a fantastic adventure: the reconstruction of The Night Watch. Thirty different paintings have already been reconstructed for the television program Masterpiece. All of the knowledge and experience gained from those previous programs is now being used to reconstruct The Night Watch, one of the world’s greatest masterpieces.
The team, consisting of Lisa Wiersma, Michel van de Laar, Thijs Hagendijk and Joris Dik, faces an incredible challenge. It’s only during the process that it becomes clear just how extensive the project really is: extra help is needed with the painting, and the team faces problems with the underpainting. We follow the team in their quest, which eventually leads them to a reconstruction that not only allows them to follow in Rembrandt’s footsteps but also unravels The Night Watch’s secrets for the public.