Parker, Harriet | Paperback / softback | binnenkort weer leverbaar | 9789493109384
Engelstalig handboek over de zin en onzin van cannabis. Een geestverruimende reis
waarin alle aspecten van een van ‘s werelds oudste cultuurgewassen aan de orde komen
in een voor meerdere prijzen genomineerde uitgave.
The Devil’s Lettuce is a free-format handbook that takes you on a mind-expanding trip
through the life and times of cannabis. Allowing you to release yourself from misconceptions
and fake news about a widely misunderstood plant, medicine, textile fibre and religious
Cannabis is one of the world’s oldest cultivated crops. It has powered much modern
development, brought healing and recreation, and been used heavily as a religious and
spiritual aid.
The history of cannabis has, for the most part, been mellow and calm. In more modern
times that history has been troubled and agitated, when exploration, trade, war and politics
became involved. In the last 100 years, cannabis experienced its most turbulent times, with
its public perception, penalties for its production and applications, and fevered debates
about its legality around the world.
Today, as society is re-examining the overlooked medical uses of cannabis, and is coming
down from a highly-charged discourse about criminalisation, and embracing legalisation,
it is important that we properly understand what cannabis is, as well as its past, so we can
embrace a better, fairer and safer future for a cannabis-infused world.
The Devil and his Lettuce, was nominated for multiple awards; the Melkweg Award
announced annually in Dutch Design Week, recognises “a truly unique talent among DAE’s
Bachelor graduates” and a project that is “both highly original and full of potential,” as
well as the Kick That Ass award from Maarten Bass, presented “to a graduate of Design
Academy Eindhoven who has used the graduation year to make an authentic work –
regardless of advice or assignments – within self-set frameworks”.