To Remember Special Dates
overig | 03-11-2022 | 9789083287706
This beautifully designed calendar by Ubuntopia is about the colourful change of seasons and the circle of life’s special moments. It does not only offer you moments and days to remember; this calendar will inspire you to create new memories, grant you a positive mindset, and shape new perspectives.
Have you ever noticed that your biggest moments of change derive from someone asking you a question that reaches your heart? At instant, you feel the overwhelmingly positive energy draw near you from the universe. Suddenly everything makes a little more sense. And then, promptly, you know what to do! That’s exactly how this calendar is meant to make you feel!
Calendar with a Ring Binder
Ubuntopia is all about awakening and reviving the spirit of humanity and togetherness around the world. We love and celebrate the diversity of culture, nature, heritage, and identity! We are passionate storytellers with a message of shared wisdom and togetherness. We narrate these amazing stories through books, theatre shows, movies, games, merchandise, and more.