The Great Healing Temple of ancient Egypt
Rijnsburger, Erica | Hardback | 24-02-2022 | 9789461550613
For more than 6000 years the town of Abydos has been a place of pilgrimage,
allowing for contemplation,re?ection, retreat, healing and recovery of
body, mind and soul. Once a holy city and spiritual center which was visited
annually by thousands of pilgrims, it is currently a remote place in the desert
that makes for a comfortable stay. In Abydos one can ? nd the mysterious
Osirion and the temples of Sety I and Ramses II, both built in honor of the cult
of Osiris, the God of resurrection. Lesser known is the fact that the temple of
Sety I was explicitly built for healing and it is still renowned for its healing
qualities. This book is an introduction in how to explore these qualities and
how to apply them for yourself.
About the Authors
Erica R? nsburger works as a trainer and therapist in the Netherlands.
She assists numerous people in search of the deeper meaning of their lives in
order to reach the deepest level within themselves, far beyond their egos.
Erica is highly appreciated for her gift of observing where and how people
obstruct themselves in any way. She organizes training events, teachings and
retreats in the Netherlands and abroad.
Horus is a keeper of the ancient Egyptian oral tradition. He was trained by
the famous Dorothy Eady, be er known as Omm Sety. Horus is also the spiritual
founder of the House of Life, where he works as a mystic and healer in the
ancient Egyptian ways. His capacity of seeing through all the layers of the
personality and ?nding its physical, emotional or mental obstacles is widely
praised. He supports people to heal themselves, so they are able to ?nd their
spiritual direction again.