a modern path of initiation through Art
Riemersma, Frouk | Paperback / softback | 16-01-2017 | 9789463450195 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
The book A Life of ART is the fruit of a modern path of initiation through art, a path you can take while maintaining a full social life.
This invites
You to manifest your desires in order to become conscious; your ego to transform into a strong and responsible Self, which will give you an axis that will remain standing within the polar forces; you to keep your focus on your artproject and its proces, even if there is no one waiting for it; you to confront your pain, because you are dismantling coping mechanisms and ceasing to feel like a victim; you to connect deeper and more authentically with your artwork, which makes you experience for yourself that everyone and all forms are divine and tell you something about yourself; you to act from connection, and to accept that you can never hold on to this dynamic feeling, and that all forms are temporary; you to die in form, to let your Self coincide with the essence, the whole, the big Love, Peace and Stillness. Inner and external worlds are One.
Frouk Riemersma is the founder of the Vrije Academie voor Beeldende Kunst en Zelfontwikkeling (VABK – Free Academy of Fine Arts and Self Development) and the School of Art and Self Development (SAS). She is the teacher and artist of international art and peace projects, performances, and ceremonies, including The Rosary around the World, Twelve World Religions, Temple Europe, The Golden Sun Temple Europe and The Golden Sun.