Version 1.1
Van Spaendonck, Koenraad M. L. L. | Hardback | 07-07-2016 | 9789402149999 |
Levertijd 5 dagen
°New oxygen – Compiling his know-how in concept formation from Integrated Product Design (IPD) into Integrated Quantum Design (IQD), product designer Koenraad M.L.L.Van Spaendonck (Alumnus of the University of Antwerp UA 1995) injects new oxygen into the quest for a theory of quantum gravity with a unifying character. Entailing a.o. the breeding ground for a universal building block for space and matter, and a finite abacus for space from which time emerges.
°New causal principles work together towards a theory of GQG,to extend the applicability of General Relativity from the proposed new geometry. As opposed to GR’s mathematical object ‘spacetime’, this geometry is closer to a one on one translation from the model to the physical processes governing gravity and related items.
°New solutions – The geometry intrinsically shows how the accelerated expansion of the universe can be an illusion, with alternatives for dark matter and dark energy. How renormalization can be avoided featuring the roots of a finite calculus from the self-organizing processes of the model. How light ‘stops’ at the black hole, and how space and matter can have a common origin.