using the RFID Starter Kit
Spanner, Gunter | Paperback / softback | 07-01-2022 | 9781907920608
An Arduino board has now become ‘the’ basic component in the maker community. No longer is an introduction to the world of microcontrollers the preserve of the expert. When it comes to expanding the capabilities of the basic Arduino board however, the developer is still largely on his own. If you really want to build some innovative projects it’s often necessary to get down to component level. This can present many beginners with major problems. That is exactly where this book begins.
This book explains how a wide variety of practical projects can be built using items supplied in a single kit together with the Arduino board. This kit, called the “RFID Starter Kit for Arduino” (SKU 17240) is not just limited to RFID applications but contains more than 30 components, devices and modules covering all areas of modern electronics.
In addition to more simple components such as LEDs and resistors there are also complex and sophisticated modules that employ the latest technology such as:
– A humidity sensor
– A multicolor LED
– A large LED matrix with 64 points of light
– A 4-character 7-segment LED display
– An infra red remote-controller unit
– A complete LC-display module
– A servo
– A stepper motor and controller module
– A complete RFID reader module and security tag
On top of that you will get to build precise digital thermometers, hygrometers, exposure meters and various alarm systems. There are also practical devices and applications such as a fully automatic rain sensor, a sound-controlled remote control system, a multifunctional weather station and so much more.
All of the projects described can be built using the components supplied in the Elektor kit.